Revamp Nepal – National Edition

Revamp Nepal – National Edition

Revamp Nepal National Edition Kathmandu #STRONGERLOCALECONOMYRevamp Nepal is dedicated to strengthening the local economy by offering businesses and startups opportunities for market access, growth, and scalability. This edition will showcase over 200+ businesses and startups supported by 40+ partners and is expected to draw more than 30,000 attendees over its eight editions across the country….

Revamp Nepal – Karnali Edition

Revamp Nepal – Karnali Edition

Revamp Nepal Karnali Edition Birendranagar Date: November 2025 Time : 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Venue : TBD TBD Register Now Achievements Editions 0 Participant Businesses 0 + Partners & Sponsors 0 + Attendees 0 + New Businesses launched 0 + Revamp Nepal is expanding to the provinces with Provincial Editions taking place in September and November. The Lumbini…

A fair for Nepali brands

A fair for Nepali brands

Fibro Nepal is organizing the fifth edition of Revamp Nepal on February 11 at Chhaya Center, Thamel, Kathmandu. The event features local products from over 65 Nepali brands. The organisers state that the main reason they behind the event is to introduce local Nepali brands to people. According to Fibro Nepal, Revamp Nepal was a…

Revamp Nepal 2023: 70+ startup ventures come to one place in Kathmandu this Kathmandu

Revamp Nepal 2023: 70+ startup ventures come to one place in Kathmandu this Kathmandu

Kathmandu, February 9 The fifth edition of Revamp Nepal 2023 is all set to be organised on Saturday, February 11, at Chhaya Center, Thamel, Kathmandu. Jointly organised by Fibro Nepal and Ideajar Digital in collaboration with Nabil Bank and others, the event will host over 70 startup ventures in a single platform. First conceptualised in early 2021 in order to…

रिभ्याम्प नेपालको पाँचौं संस्करण शनिबार हुँदै, पाँच हजार बढी अवलोकनकर्ताको अपेक्षा

रिभ्याम्प नेपालको पाँचौं संस्करण शनिबार हुँदै, पाँच हजार बढी अवलोकनकर्ताको अपेक्षा

रिभ्याम्प नेपालको पाँचौं संस्करण ‘रिभ्याम्प नेपाल-२०२३’ यही शनिबार (माघ २८ गते) हुँदैछ।   ठमेलको छाया सेन्टरमा आयोजना हुने उक्त मेला शनिबार बिहान साढे १० बजेदेखि साँझ ७ बजेसम्म चल्नेछ। आगन्तुकहरूको लागि उक्त प्रदर्शनीमा निःशुल्क प्रवेशको व्यवस्था मिलाइएको छ।    प्रदर्शनीमा नेपाली व्यवसायिक क्षेत्रमा हाल सक्रिय रहेका नयाँ उद्यम र व्यवसायहरूका साथै केही प्रमुख व्यापारिक संस्थाहरूको संलग्नता…

Revamp Nepal – Gandaki Edition

Revamp Nepal – Gandaki Edition

Revamp Nepal Gandaki Edition Pokhara Date: March, 2025 Time : 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Venue: TBD TBD Register Now Achievements Editions 0 Participant Businesses 0 + Partners & Sponsors 0 + Attendees 0 + New Businesses launched 0 + Revamp Nepal is expanding to the provinces with Provincial Editions taking place in September and November. The Gandaki Edition will…